Exercises week 1: Complexity Thinking

Not much happening this week yet.

$\mathcal{O}(1)$, $\mathcal{O}(n)$, $\mathcal{O}(n^m)$, $\mathcal{O}(\log{} n)$ do you know what these are?

Forget about them, this is not that kind of course.

1. Teaching assistants introduce themselves

Hello I am... How did I end up in this room with you people?

2. Student intro round

Hello my name is ... and my Bachelor was in... I think I ended up in this room on this particular day because...

3. How to read

TAs talk to you about academic reading for a little while.

4. Homework: Install things

We will be making these things called Jupyter Notebooks along the course. You will get used to them.


  • git. It allows you to manage versions You might already have it. Try running `git` on the command line
  • Python 3. It allows you to program
  • Gephi. It allows you to interactively explore graphs

Python libraries and other addons

  • IPython. It makes using Python nicer
  • Jupyter. It allows you to do other things, you won't see it much
  • Jupyter Notebooks. It allows you to write documents, with code in them
  • Pandas. It allows you do deal with data frames
  • NetworkX. It allows you do deal with graphs (=networks)

Either run the following on the command line (Terminal on OSX, cmd on Windows)

pip3 install jupyter pandas networkx


Use Anaconda to get Python, and the above libraries.

Give it a spin

If you installed Anaconda, do the Anaconda test drive

Go through some Jupyter Notebook tutorial.

Go through some Gephi tutorial.